воскресенье, 5 сентября 2010 г.

Memorial in honor of the Victory 40 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War
In days of celebrating of the 40 anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany in 1985 in park of the Victory 
of Autofactory area memorial opening has taken place. 
In memory of four extremely difficult military years have directed upwards 4 stele. In the bottom of everyone 
stele on external planes there are ledges with the unprofitable stylized wreaths. On inside of an uniting ring 
an inscription to people Feat eternal glory. 
Four years. Four stele. Four bas-reliefs. A bas-relief devoted battling at the front Great Patriotic War. A bas-
relief of memory of guerrilla movement. Far from front there was a city of Stavropol-on-Volga. But from first 
days of war all in it has been subordinated one purpose to stand, win. The third bas-relief is devoted heroic 
work of the Soviet people in back. In days of war it has been stirred up 6 million civilians, thousand villages 
and cities are destroyed. Struggle for freedom went and in fascist concentration camps. The fourth bas-relief 
is devoted memory of their prisoners. 
The granite plate for a memorial is delivered from Petrozavodsk. Its area of 24 sq. meters. The star is cast 
from bronze, a ring connecting pylon's, weighs about 7 tons, it is revetted by stainless steel, wreaths and 
figures from aluminum, height stele 10 meters.
The author of a memorial - the architect Vinograd Simeon Mihailovich.
Further the memorial was finished in 1987-1988 by Sculptor Alexander Shnjakinym multifigured bas-reliefs 
Guerrillas and the Victim of fascism, by sculptor Shandorom Zihermanom - Back and Front are executed. In 
the memorial center the star for Eternal fire is established.
On May, 9th, 1995 in one of wreaths (from street Anniversary) have put a capsule with the sacred earth 
brought from mountain Poklonnoj of Moscow.
Мемориал в честь Победы 40 годовщин в Великой Отечественной войне
В днях празднования 40 годовщин Победы над фашистской Германией в 1985 в парке Победы Автофабричного мемориала 
области имело место открытие. 
В памяти о четырех чрезвычайно трудных военных годах направили вверх 4 стелы. В основании всех стела во внешних 
самолетах там выступы с нерентабельными стилизованными венками. На внутренней части объединения звонят надпись к 
вечной славе Подвига людей. 
Четыре года.  Четыре стелы. Четыре барельефа. Барельеф посвятил борьбу в передней Великой Отечественной войне. 
Барельеф памяти о партизанском движении. Далекий от фронта был город Ставрополя-Волги. Но с первых дней войны все 
в этом были подчинены одна цель стоять, победить. Третий барельеф посвящен героическая работа советских людей в 
спине. В днях войны это было вызвано разрушены, 6 миллионов гражданских лиц, тысяча деревень и городов. Борьба за 
свободу пошла и в фашистских концентрационных лагерях. Четвертый барельеф - посвященная память об их заключенных. 
Гранитная пластина для мемориала освобождена из Петрозаводска. Его область 24 кв. метров. Звезда брошена от бронзы, 
кольцо, соединяющееся пилоны, весит приблизительно 7 тонн, это повторно исследуется нержавеющей сталью, венками и 
числами от алюминия, стела высоты 10 метров.
Автор мемориала - архитектор Виноград Симеон Михайлович.
Далее мемориал был закончен в 1987-1988 мультиизображенными Партизанами барельефов Скульптора Александра 
Шнджэкинима, и Жертва фашизма, скульптором Шэндоромом Зиэрмэномом - Назад и Фронт казнена. В центре мемориала 
установлена звезда для Вечного огня.
9-ого мая 1995 в одном из венков (от уличной Годовщины) поместили капсулу со священной землей, принесенной из 
Поклоннойгоры Москвы.
Memorial in honor of the Victory 40 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War. 

Memorial in honor of the Victory 40 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War
In days of celebrating of the 40 anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany in 1985 in park of the Victory 
of Autofactory area memorial opening has taken place. 
In memory of four extremely difficult military years have directed upwards 4 stele. In the bottom of everyone 
stele on external planes there are ledges with the unprofitable stylized wreaths. On inside of an uniting ring 
an inscription to people Feat eternal glory. 
Four years. Four stele. Four bas-reliefs. A bas-relief devoted battling at the front Great Patriotic War. A bas-
relief of memory of guerrilla movement. Far from front there was a city of Stavropol-on-Volga. But from first 
days of war all in it has been subordinated one purpose to stand, win. The third bas-relief is devoted heroic 
work of the Soviet people in back. In days of war it has been stirred up 6 million civilians, thousand villages 
and cities are destroyed. Struggle for freedom went and in fascist concentration camps. The fourth bas-relief 
is devoted memory of their prisoners. 
The granite plate for a memorial is delivered from Petrozavodsk. Its area of 24 sq. meters. The star is cast 
from bronze, a ring connecting pylon's, weighs about 7 tons, it is revetted by stainless steel, wreaths and 
figures from aluminum, height stele 10 meters.
The author of a memorial - the architect Vinograd Simeon Mihailovich.
Further the memorial was finished in 1987-1988 by Sculptor Alexander Shnjakinym multifigured bas-reliefs 
Guerrillas and the Victim of fascism, by sculptor Shandorom Zihermanom - Back and Front are executed. In 
the memorial center the star for Eternal fire is established.
On May, 9th, 1995 in one of wreaths (from street Anniversary) have put a capsule with the sacred earth 
brought from mountain Poklonnoj of Moscow.
Мемориал в честь Победы 40 годовщин в Великой Отечественной войне
В днях празднования 40 годовщин Победы над фашистской Германией в 1985 в парке Победы Автофабричного мемориала 
области имело место открытие. 
В памяти о четырех чрезвычайно трудных военных годах направили вверх 4 стелы. В основании всех стела во внешних 
самолетах там выступы с нерентабельными стилизованными венками. На внутренней части объединения звонят надпись к 
вечной славе Подвига людей. 
Четыре года.  Четыре стелы. Четыре барельефа. Барельеф посвятил борьбу в передней Великой Отечественной войне. 
Барельеф памяти о партизанском движении. Далекий от фронта был город Ставрополя-Волги. Но с первых дней войны все 
в этом были подчинены одна цель стоять, победить. Третий барельеф посвящен героическая работа советских людей в 
спине. В днях войны это было вызвано разрушены, 6 миллионов гражданских лиц, тысяча деревень и городов. Борьба за 
свободу пошла и в фашистских концентрационных лагерях. Четвертый барельеф - посвященная память об их заключенных. 
Гранитная пластина для мемориала освобождена из Петрозаводска. Его область 24 кв. метров. Звезда брошена от бронзы, 
кольцо, соединяющееся пилоны, весит приблизительно 7 тонн, это повторно исследуется нержавеющей сталью, венками и 
числами от алюминия, стела высоты 10 метров.
Автор мемориала - архитектор Виноград Симеон Михайлович.
Далее мемориал был закончен в 1987-1988 мультиизображенными Партизанами барельефов Скульптора Александра 
Шнджэкинима, и Жертва фашизма, скульптором Шэндоромом Зиэрмэномом - Назад и Фронт казнена. В центре мемориала 
установлена звезда для Вечного огня.
9-ого мая 1995 в одном из венков (от уличной Годовщины) поместили капсулу со священной землей, принесенной из 
Поклоннойгоры Москвы.
Memorial in honor of the Victory 40 anniversary in the Great Patriotic War
In days of celebrating of the 40 anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany in 1985 in park of the Victory
of Autofactory area memorial opening has taken place. In memory of four extremely difficult military years have directed upwards 4 stele. In the bottom of everyone
stele on external planes there are ledges with the unprofitable stylized wreaths. On inside of an uniting ring
an inscription to people Feat eternal glory. Four years. Four stele. Four bas-reliefs. A bas-relief devoted battling at the front Great Patriotic War. A bas-
relief of memory of guerrilla movement. Far from front there was a city of Stavropol-on-Volga. But from first
days of war all in it has been subordinated one purpose to stand, win. The third bas-relief is devoted heroic
work of the Soviet people in back. In days of war it has been stirred up 6 million civilians, thousand villages
and cities are destroyed. Struggle for freedom went and in fascist concentration camps. The fourth bas-relief
is devoted memory of their prisoners. The granite plate for a memorial is delivered from Petrozavodsk. Its area of 24 sq. meters. The star is cast
from bronze, a ring connecting pylon's, weighs about 7 tons, it is revetted by stainless steel, wreaths and
figures from aluminum, height stele 10 meters.
The author of a memorial - the architect Vinograd Simeon Mihailovich.
Further the memorial was finished in 1987-1988 by Sculptor Alexander Shnjakinym multifigured bas-reliefs
Guerrillas and the Victim of fascism, by sculptor Shandorom Zihermanom - Back and Front are executed. In
the memorial center the star for Eternal fire is established.
On May, 9th, 1995 in one of wreaths (from street Anniversary) have put a capsule with the sacred earth
brought from mountain Poklonnoj of Moscow.
The monument to soldiers-Afghans — is established in 1994, Autofactory area, Victory Park, author N.Kolesnikov
The memorial complex in Victory park is constructed by days of celebrating of the 40 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Installation was carried out by trust «АвтоВАЗремстроймонтаж». Official opening has taken place on June, 7th, 1985 the Author of the project there was Simeon Mihajlovich Vinograd.

Further the memorial was finished in 1987-1988-s' years: bas-reliefs have been established, in the construction center the star for Eternal fire has been established.

On May, 9th, 1995 in one of memorial wreaths (from street Anniversary) the capsule with the earth brought from mountain Poklonnoj of Moscow has been put. In April, 2007 the part of a frame of Eternal fire has been stolen, however soon vandals have been detained, and elements are restored
Monuments and sights
The monument to soldiers-Afghans — is established in 1994, Autofactory area, Victory Park, author N.Kolesnikov

The memorial complex in Victory park is constructed by days of celebrating of the 40 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Installation was carried out by trust «АвтоВАЗремстроймонтаж». Official opening has taken place on June, 7th, 1985 the Author of the project there was Simeon Mihajlovich Vinograd.

Further the memorial was finished in 1987-1988-s' years: bas-reliefs have been established, in the construction center the star for Eternal fire has been established.

On May, 9th, 1995 in one of memorial wreaths (from street Anniversary) the capsule with the earth brought from mountain Poklonnoj of Moscow has been put. In April, 2007 the part of a frame of Eternal fire has been stolen, however soon vandals have been detained, and elements are restored
Monuments and sights
The monument to soldiers-Afghans — is established in 1994, Autofactory area, Victory Park, author N.Kolesnikov

Monumental is decorative-sculptural compositions "Transport"

Monumental decorative compositions are designed in 1977 at creation of the General layout of building of the Autofactory disctrict of the city. Are built in 1979 as a work of art, called to solve a volume-spatial composition of the inhabited environment of area.

The stylized figures of transport cars of the beginning of the century: the steam locomotive, a wheel steamship, a balloon executed from shod metal, successfully arise against strict geometrical panel houses. They have organically entered into the concrete conditions which have generated inhabitancy of inhabitants of area.

Authors - the national artist of the USSR, the winner of the State awards, the professor A. V.Vasnetsov and the architect of dwelling E TSNIIEP. Иохелес.

Compositions settle down in Autofactory area, in the street Revolutionary.

Fidelity monument

Already more than 5 years on the suburb of Autofactory area of Tolyatti cost a monument to a sheep-dog which to the last waited for the owner. And this sheep-dog, from an easy hand of heads of our city... There were "hero" 21 quarters and costs day and night still waiting the owner who never will come.
The dog, German shepherd has appeared in the summer of 1995, in Autofactory area, on a roadside of the Southern highway, one of the most brisk streets Tolyattis. It constantly was nearby to the same place where it daily saw thousand townspeople. Inhabitants of the next houses fed up it, periodically tried to tame it, built to it a kennel, but it invariably appeared on a road roadside, observing of cars. It was not known even its nicknames. Therefore in the people began to call its "True" or "Konstantin" (in translation from Greek — "constant").

So 7 years proceeded. The dog invariably was on the place habitual for all, despite of weather and a season. In 2002 the dog has died.

The official version which the majority of townspeople adheres, says that the dog has appeared the only thing survived in a road accident. In more romantic it is said that its owners — a newly-married couple who was coming back from a honeymoon trip. The young wife has died even before arrival of doctors. After some hours per resuscitations the man has died also. And the dog and remained to wait for it on that place where last time saw live. He waited that the owner will come. The dog protected last haven of the owner. And every day rushed on cherry "nine".
The idea of a similar sculpture has been offered by the schoolgirl 8 classes of a grammar school № 39 Komsomol areas  in 1990 when the museum of a historical and cultural heritage of Tolyatti declared competition new monuments in a city. Xenia has offered a breadboard model of a monument to a dog. The monument she named «a fidelity Monument»: «On a pedestal the dog, round a dog a tape symbolizing road is represented. On the tape end — a star — Soul of the owner. The look of a dog is turned on a star». The photo of this breadboard model has been printed in the newspaper «freedom Area».

Head of a dog
After death of a dog at road have put a board with an inscription: to "the Dog who has taught us of love and fidelity». The Tolyatti public has initiated to put True the present monument. The monument on the means collected by townspeople was created. The arranged competition has won the project of Ulyanovsk sculptor Oleg Klyuyev.
The monument is opened on June, 1st, 2003, on crossing of Southern highway and Lev Yashin street.
The bronze sculpture became the first not political monument of Tolyatti. Today it is a place of indispensable visiting by a newly-married couple.

Karbysheva D.M.'s monument-bust
Heading: City monuments of Tolyatti It is added: admin 2007-04-01 4:54:52 PM

Autozavodsky area, territory of a military college Karbyshev Dmitry Mihajlovich (1880-1945), the general, the Hero of Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War it has been hard contused, and was taken prisoner. Has refused to pass to service to fascists and was lost martyr death in camp «Mauthausen«. The monument is opened in September, 2003.

Monument-bust to Guy G. D.
Heading: City monuments of Tolyatti It is added: admin 2007-04-01 3:28:41 PM

Autozavodsky area, Budyonny's 9 parkway, territory of school №33. Guy Dmitrievich Guy (Бжишкянц) – the son of the Armenian people, one of outstanding military leaders of Red Army. The commander of "the Iron division» in October 1918г. Releasing Stavropol from White Guards. Considering the petition of administration, the party and trade-union organization, student's collective of high school №33 and the decision of executive committee of Autofactory area, executive committee of the Tolyatti city council of deputies of workers has made decision to establish a monument to G.D.Guy in territory of school №33. The school bears a name of the legendary commander. At school the museum has been opened and correspondence with veterans of a division was conducted. The author: sculptor Suren Nazarjan

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